Coach, Personal Trainer, CrossFit Programming


“I love coaching at Back Alley because I get to be a part of a community that is always trying to get better.  Not just faster and stronger but working to improve the quality of their lives.”

Background: I’m from Kingman, AZ, born and raised!  I was pretty a pretty active little kid but after I tried out for basketball and volleyball in high school and was cut from both, I took a break from all things athletic.  After high school, I started weight training and met some folks that introduced me to adventure racing. I eventually trained and competed in marathons and Ironman races.

I was a personal trainer and triathlon coach before I started coaching Crossfit in 2012.

Accomplishments: I have competed in sprint adventure racing and qualified for nationals in 2011 for the sprint triathlon. I competed in the Oceanside half Ironman, St. George Ironman and Silverman, half marathons and marathons.  SICest of the Southwest 2013: 1st place in the team event.

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